
The architecture of Pixly - A simple image editor in Kotlin + Rust

Photo of tree by Colin Watts on Unsplash Pixly is an image editor for Android and Desktop platforms that uses Compose and Rust to achieve a simple image editing experience. It provides a GUI/F...

Zune benchmarks

This contains a permalink to the zune library benchmarks, reports provided by criterion Currently, benchmarks are ran on my machine, but will hopefully soon move to a cloud provider Machine Specs...

Transposing matrices, The Fast way.

Matrix transposition is one of the most common things computers do as this operation creeps itself into many day-to-day computer operations From optimized 1D convolution kernels that make gaussi...

Google Summer of Code Writeup - Adding HTJ2K to FFmpeg

The patch that was submitted to ffmpeg can be viewed here A working ffmpeg implementation used to produce image samples can be found here The recently concluded Google Summer of Code prog...


So, in spirit of getting out of my comfort zone, I’m gonna try something new. Im gonna write a lossless compressor and decompressor, probably won’t be as cool as zstd, or as impressive as Oodle SD...